The IBM Corporate Service Corps program was launched in 2008 to help provide IBMers with high quality leadership development while delivering high quality problem solving for communities and organisations in emerging markets. Teams typically consist of groups of 10-15 IBMers from countries around the world, who come from different business backgrounds with different skills. The teams are sent to emerging markets for four week community-based assignments. Team members are engaged for a total of six months – three months preparing for the trip, one month on location, and two months after the trip back at IBM sharing their experiences. Approximately 500 IBMers are given the opportunity to participate in the program each year, and since the program’s inception more than 2,400 participants comprising 200+ teams have been sent to 30+ countries around the world.

The Indonesia 9 team consists of 15 IBMers from different parts of the world: USA (4), Mexico (3), Brazil (2), Italy (2), Hungary (1), India (1), UK (1) and Germany (1). We will spend time in Jakarta/Indonesia helping three NGOs: Kemenaker (Ministry of Manpower), Badan Nasional Sertifikasi Profesi (BNSP) and the SMERU Research Institute.

We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them. (Albert Einstein)